Aerosmith Film Sequences Directed by Jerry Rees
Starring Aerosmith, Illeana Douglas, Ken Marino

Rockin' Roller Coaster's behemoth guitar in front of the Florida venue.

The entrance hints at the rockin' ride that's in store.

On the set of Rockin' Roller Coaster, the cast and director celebrate the successful finish to a challenging day. Filmed on iMax-sized negative at 60 frames per second by DP Max Penner, the entire scene had to be accomplished without cuts. Left to right, Brad Witford, Ken Marino, Joey Kramer, Steven Tyler, Jerry Rees, Illeana Douglas, Joe Perry, Tom Hamilton.

Steven Tyler and the band greet the guests, then send around speedy "limos" to race them to their latest concert venue. Getting there is more than half the fun as unbelievable acceleration and multiple loops are accompanied by perfectly timed Aerosmith hits.

Aerosmith dares you to rock at their speed.